GeForce RTX 2070 XC Gaming Xnxubd Com Nvidia

Look at this GPU heaven right here if you're wondering where this is this is my Christina in New York so I just got home from micro Center and look what I picked up at 2070 I don't know why I wasn't even playing to get it it was just a quick decision and I just picked it up and got home with it don't know if it was a bad decision but so far I'm loving it I know this video was supposed to go up like you know three days ago but I didn't really get time to I didn't upload it I still don't have time I have to go to like work after right after uploading this video so before I go to work I'm trying to make this video as quick as possible so this is the high squat version of the 27c the EVGA ultra XC gaming or however you wanna call it has RGB and all that this card is thick like it's thick like it's really thick you know but man this car is fantastic you know when you put in the motherboard there's no GPU set because obviously it's a thick ass card and it's heavy too it's not that heavy I thought it's gonna be really heavy but it's not really that much of heavy you know it's about it runs really cool I'm not playing to overclock or anything like that since you know I don't have I don't really have much of a powerful CPU well that's not even the question the question is there's a point of like what is the point of water clocking you know cuz this is already a powerful card and you're not gonna get any extra frames unless you came one for a cane stuff and I'm not well I was gaming on a 4k and trust me 4k games runs really smooth with this car you know like it's more than enough in IE.

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